Welcome to fleur dans l'art

Virtual Gallery

"As the sun colours flowers, so does art colours life"
8th November 2021 - 18th November 2021

Fav Flower: Narcissus

Chaw Ting Wei

I kicked a goat and it robbed my dog

Chong Qing Yun

I scream about 2D characters on social medias and cry for them

Fav Flower: Hydrangea

Fav Flower: Wisteria

Telvanny Tanzil Tjhia'

The one who loves to eat and sleep

Kee See Yee

Dunno bout u but i go ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Fav Flower: Baby Breath

Fav Flower: Forget-Me-Nots

Tan Huan Ngee

Yes, my brain is floating into another dimension.
No, I don't know what I'm doing.

Yap Kar Men

Already a salted fish

Fav Flower: Lotus

Fav Flower: Tulip

Looh Gyea Luv
